Accelerated processing and healing


You’ve listened to all the podcasts, read all the self-help books, done talk therapy, and maybe even EMDR, but you are still feeling stuck and struggling with daily life. You want to shift and go deeper in therapy and make lasting changes. You want to feel and function better and have that weight lifted off of your shoulders.


  • Want to address experiences that have left you feeling shame, abandonment, and disconnection.

  • Have experienced a difficult childhood or trauma, whether ongoing or one time, but do not want to share all the details of your experience.

  • Have difficulty in relationships, whether with a partner, family member, or professional relationships.

  • Want to increase confidence, break old patterns, and stop the negative self-talk.

When something traumatic or distressing happens, our brains hold onto the memory and this trauma is literally trapped in our bodies. This can show up as anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, or negative beliefs about ourselves. The goal of Brainspotting is to bypass the conscious, thinking part of the brain (pre-frontal cortex) to access the deeper, emotional and body-based parts of the brain (subcortical brain).

Brainspotting targets the brain and the body simultaneously. You may notice that when you are talking about something that is distressing or disturbing to you, that your eyes are drawn to a certain spot. Brainspotting uses where you look to affect how you feel via a “brainspot” in your field of vision. While the therapist has the client focus their attention on the brainspot, the client also notices the somatic/sensory experiences in the body. This may be a tightness in your chest, uneasiness in your gut, and tension in the body. This focused mindfulness allows the client to access, process and heal emotional and physical wounds located deep in the subcortical brain.

Many who experience Brainspotting notice:

  • Feeling calm, peaceful, and like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders.

  • Trauma feeling like a past event, thereby reducing triggers and painful memories.

  • Reducing negative thoughts and beliefs about oneself.

  • Expressing and releasing emotions that were keeping them stuck.

  • A shift in relationships.

Reach out. Accelerate your healing and experience change with a brain based therapy.